Everything Ships.com Digital Signature Admin

This site allows you to create and edit one or more `Digital Signature PIN` numbers for your employees. This allows them to sign for inventory orders and service visit reports completed at your facilities by participating Distributors and Service Agencies. During these visits, your employee will be asked to enter their unique `Digital Signature PIN` as a valid electronic signature.

CRMProfits.com acts as a 3rd party validation authority. CRMProfits.com will compare the encrypted PIN sent to us by your service company to look up and confirm who acknowledged and/or authorized the visit and then CRMProfits.com will give your Vendor ONLY the authenticated User ID and display name matching that DS PIN.
Create New Digital Signature Account

Address Numbers:
(without street)
Phone Number:
Customer #:

Login Back in to Edit your Signatures

Email Address:
Customer #:
Digital Signature PIN:
Forget your 'DS PIN'?

By clicking "Sign In" you agree with our current terms of service and usage policy.